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Lens, Table 2024-2025
1Paris Saint Germain2419504362
2Olympique Marseille2415452349
5LOSC Lille2411851241
6Olympique Lyonnais2411671339
13Angers SCO247611-1227
16Le Havre246216-2720

Racing Club de Lens - Table Ligue 1 2024-2025

Racing Club de Lens is currently at position 9 in the table for Ligue 1 2024-2025.This is a position that can be considered as pretty decent for Lens.Lens has played 24 matches in Ligue 1 2024-2025 and during these games they have collected 33 points.This means that Lens has managed to collect 1.38 points per match in average in Ligue 1 during the 2024-2025 season.This is a decent table position and Franck Haise, the coach of Lens, should be satisfied with being 9 in Ligue 1.

Racing Club de Lens - Table Home Ligue 1

Racing Club de Lens has played 12 games at home in Ligue 1 2024-2025 and Lens are in position 13 in the table in terms of games played at home.It is 4 positions worse than their current position (9) in the total table in Ligue 1, a result that may be considered as not that good for Lens.The goal difference for games at home in Ligue 1 for Racing Club de Lens is -3 since they have scored 13 goals and conceded 16 goals in their games at home.

Racing Club de Lens - Table Away Ligue 1

Racing Club de Lens has played 12 away games in Ligue 1 and Lens are in position 4 in the away table for the 2024-2025 season.It is 5 positions better than their current position (9) in the total table in Ligue 1, a result that may be considered as good for Lens.The goal difference for away games in Ligue 1 for Racing Club de Lens is 3 since they have scored 16 goals and GoalsAgainst 13 goals in their away games.

Racing Club de Lens - Position in the table

During the 2024-2025 season Lens has played a total of 24 games in Ligue 1 and won 9 games, lost 9 games and 6 games has ended as a draw.These statistics gives Lens a terrible win percentage of 37.5% which should be considered as really bad.Having 37.5% win percentage is pretty usual for a team at position 9 in Ligue 1 2024-2025.

Racing Club de Lens - Goal average Ligue 1 2024-2025

Lens have scored goals in 24 games in Ligue 1 2024-2025 while they have conceded 29 goals.Lens have a goal average of 1.21 scored goals per game and 1.21 conceded goals per game.This gives Lens a terrible goal difference of 0 goals, which is considered to be really bad in Ligue 1.

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